Speed: 170kts and slowing
Outside Air Temp: -20 C (or -4 for those who speak Fahrenheit)
The first rays of sunshine are starting to fall on the frozen city of Minneapolis as we descend through the smooth, cold air with 76 sleepy passengers on board. It's 0815am, and I've been on duty for 13.5 hrs. 7 hours on the ground in ORF (Norfolk, VA) yielded about 5 hours in the hotel room, and maybe 4 hours of sleep... but I slept some during the day, and my plans include another nap before repeating the process again tonight.
2:47 minutes and 994 miles earlier:

Unfortunately the gate the plane was parked at overnight did not have access to fresh water to fill the tanks for the three hour flight ahead. So here we are, engines shut down while the ramp personnel attach a potable water hose to the tail section for a few minutes. Oh well, the clock is ticking, we're getting paid...