This past weekend was the Masters golf championship in Augusta, GA.. if you didn't already know that. Due to the event, US Airways schedules our planes on the route, for increased capacity. It's the only weekend during the year that we fly to AGS. I had never been there before, and was excited to see a new place... and see how things ran during the golf championship.
Took one flight down on Saturday, and while we didn't have that many passengers, the airport was still quite busy. Here's a view out the front:

Don't think you'd normally see a 737 in Augusta, or the 50+ corporate jets parked on a taxiway...
Fast forward to Monday, the day after the championship ended...

Looks a little different, eh?

On Sunday we spotted this Gulfstream in Savannah, GA.. enroute to Augusta. Cool paint job. Any guesses on who owns it? Check out the registration on the engine: N1KE

A strong line of storms moved across the country, arriving in Charlotte on Friday evening. There were plenty of diversions, late flights, canceled flights, you name it... but we were pretty lucky and ran on time. We took off out of Charlotte heading to Memphis, with the bulk of the storm system still to the west, moving in on CLT. It was pitch black as we picked our way through the storms, with only frequent flashes of lightning and our strobe lights reflecting off of the clouds that surrounded us. Moderate precipitation and turbulence and we worked to get over the thunderstorms and break out on the other side. We finally broke out of the system, to be greeted by a beautiful glimpse of the horizon with the last rays of light still visible as we chased the sun westward.