I arrived at the airport at 5:00am for a 'ready reserve' shift, thinking I would be on my way home at 11:00am to spend the day by the pool. I was wrong. My phone rings at 5:10am, it's crew tracking.
"Cameron? Looks like we've got a couple of fun days for you today and tomorrow."
"Oh, great."
"Looks like we have you deadheading to Little Rock, AR at 9:40am. Then you will catch some sort of ground transportation which we are setting up, to take you to Hot Springs, AR. There you will test flight a CRJ-200, then repo it to Roswell, NM so it can get painted. Then we have some more ground transportation to take you to Albuqurque, NM where you will spend the night. Then tomorrow you will deadhead from ABQ to Phoenix, then to Charlotte. Questions?"
Thinking to myself: Why me?! What did I do to deserve 6 hours of 'ground transportation', a 16-hour duty day and a test flight, in an airplane I haven't flown in over a year?!?

Turns out, it was one of the CRJ-200's that were sent to China for a brief operation, that ultimately failed.

That's the only propeller on the airplane. It's called an ADG, or Air Driven Generator. I guess it's not a propeller, as it doesn't propel the aircraft! It's purpose is to pop out of the side of the aircraft if/when there is a COMPLETE electrical failure from the jet engine driven generators, AND the APU's generator. It provides electrical power for certain 'necessary' systems and screens in the flight deck. It also powers some hydraulics, again, for 'necessary' systems.
Our test flight was to deploy and check the operation of the ADG. So we took off from the non-towered, quiet little airport and the Captain flew a pattern around the airport while I followed a checklist and deployed the ADG, checking all of the indications and systems to insure that it was indeed working as it should. Ops checked good, we continued around and landed so the maintenance guys could put the noisy little prop back in it's home.

After a few calls to dispatch to get some paperwork and charts for our flight to Roswell, NM, we were ready to go and the mechanics were almost done with their work on the plane. There were a number of old turboprops, and even a few regional jets sitting around Hot Springs, clearly retired and most likely not to be flown again.

More of the same when we arrived in Roswell. No sightings of UFO's, thankfully, and a pretty uneventful flight. The afternoon heat caused for a bumpy descent and landing in Roswell (which the Captain did well, also not having touched a -200 in many months).
The dry desert climate is ideal for storage of aircraft, which may or may not fly again. Hundreds of jets from American, UPS, United, US Airways, Southwest, etc. are parked in rows, ranging in size from regional jets and turboprops to 747-400's. It's a rather sad sight to see.

The company never really arranged any ground transportation to ABQ (no surprise there), and we had already been on duty for over 12 hours... so they got us a room in Roswell for the night. The plan was to be driven to either ABQ or El Paso the next morning, and then deadhead to Phoenix, and ultimately back to Charlotte. Fortunately, there is one carrier left providing service to Roswell, so the Captain and I jumped on the first American Eagle flight to Dallas/Fort Worth in the morning. There we got a deadhead to Charlotte, which wrapped up the day for me.

It was an interesting little trip to say the least, and fortunately we didn't have any alien encounters in Roswell...